What started out as a major plot line on HBO's hit show "Entourage," and more to the point, a running joke among Hollywood's insiders may soon evolve from fiction to fact. A story from the LA Times, has real life Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel (the inspiration for agent Ari Gold on Entourage) discussing the Aquaman project with Warner Bros. Although the studio says they are not currently developing a project for Aquaman, the reporter says conversations have been underway with DC Comics, who holds the character rights for Aquaman. DC Comics, like Warner Bros. Pictures are owned by Time Warner, which presumably, should the make the talks go a bit smoother if everyone is behind the project. Just the fact that discussions are taking place validates the HBO show's following both in and out of the Hollywood power player scene. For example, when Aquaman made a cameo on the WB show Smallville last year, it ended being the highest rated episode of the season. More recently, a previously unseen pilot episode of an Aquaman TV series showed up on iTunes and instantly became the most popular video download.