In what is usually a fairly subdued news week, people are going nuts today with reports of the fake Sony blog, otherwise known as a flog. Nice, huh. The fake blog, which you can't even visit anymore let alone post comments on, is resulting in a lot of "I told you so's" from so-called interactive media and marketing "experts." Rather than take the normal route of brutal negativity and all knowing, all of the time, I think it would be more effective to explain the Sony blog in a positive light. Traditional marketers like Sony, in this case it is really the operating unit Sony Computer Entertainment, the makers of PS3 and PSP, are all trying to figure out how to use social media channels as strategic advertising and marketing tools. First of all, they're trying and that might be the most important point. It wasn't too long ago...about eight or so years, when I was literally laughed out of the room at a certain Big Three automotive company (who will remain nameless) with the understanding that the company wouldn't be caught dead spending any "serious" dollars on the Internet because it is only for people who are surfing porn. That was the actual reply from the advertiser. So of course my reply at the time, was something to the effect like..."well, why did let you me come in and present...and that reply will always stay in my went: "everyone gets their one shot at Detroit, and this was yours." Ok, I love the trip down memory road, but back to Sony and the heat they are taking. As far as the target market for the fake blog goes, I think it is relatively safe to say that there will be little to no effect since the blog was up for a couple of weeks and really didn't generate that much in the way of traffic. So, no big harm, no big foul. Essentially, what I think Sony forgot for a moment, and I am sure they know it, is that, assuming Gen Y was the target market for the fake blog, it is better to talk to them directly instead of coming out being something that could be perceived as disingenuous. That's lesson one, and I am sure after all of the backlash, they learned their lesson.