Our crew was out in full force at shopping malls around the country this past Friday and through the weekend. Some of our shopper agents switched over to online retailers this morning looking for the best cyber Monday deals. We're still going through all of the diaries and photos but here are a few tidbits to ponder:
(a lot of these are actual observations and statements direct from shopper agent diaries, more to come as we firm things up)
- Why is there no really "it" gift this year? Last year it was the Wii, before that it was an iPod...i guess you could say this year it would be the iPhone, but it's not really realistic for most of us who don't have AT&T for service and can't switch for various reasons
- i wish i had an extra $100 in my pocket for a flat screen TV, you can get a decent size one now for about $400...about $100 that i have to spend
- i love j crew, but why are they like the only good store that doesn't have free shipping online?, they're def losing college customers
- i walked into gamestop and walked out within five minutes when i was bombarded by three hundred ten year olds and their moms hoarding GH III's like their lives depended on it
- you can get some great stuff at American Eagle...everything is on sale...everything
- we got to topanga about 8:30, starbucks in hand...wasn't nearly as crowded as you might have suspected...also seemed like a lot of moms and their kids were just walking around without any big shopping bags...i, of course headed straight to vicki's and stocked up
- went into hot topic, middle of the day on Friday, it was me, my one friend, two other people and that was it...other than the two salespeople who looked like they already checked out for the day
- A&F was loud as always, but there were a lot more people just walking around and not a lot of people in line, they had a lot of people working and trying to help us out, but nothing too pushy...nice for a change
- best buy is awesome, i wanted to get my father a gps for his car, walked right up to a salesperson and he helped me out immediately, i was out of there in less than 15 minutes and back home in bed within the hour...it was about 930
- my two friends and went into nordstrom hoping to find some good jeans on sale...they had a few sale items but didn't have my size...bummer
- why go out and fight over parking spaces when everything you could ever need for friends, family etc is on either amazon, best buy or walmart.com? that's what i am doing again this year...when in doubt, do it online.