Not to be outdone by College Internet Life, the latest wave of College Shopper Insights is also available. Even though digital media and mobile continue to be the most discussed areas of interest, Shopper Insights certainly helps put a lot of context behind the decision making process and parallel behaviors the audience demonstrate across multiple categories.
Honestly, can you think of anything that's more competitive and cut-throat than the retail sector? Shopper Insights enables retailers and brands to essentially take a step back from the day-to-day and review a thoughtful depiction of what the audience is actually purchasing (and what they aren't), why they're purchasing particular brands, their brand loyalty, and the key influences that take hold in the purchase decision making process. If anything, we're observing a more educated and value-oriented college consumer who may still very well yearn for those pricey items, but demonstrate a measurable level of patience that was not readily present back in 2006 or '07. Which retailers are the most appealing and which are the most aspirational--it's all in the new wave of Shopper Insights. You can review the full table of contents of the new wave here.