Here's a quick look at one of the 12 macro trends we've identified that will make an impact in 2010. The origins of Quick Response Codes, or QR codes for short, go all the way back to 1994. The concept of mobile tagging, which is already wildly popular in Asia, brings new life for the cousin of the old fashioned barcode. QR codes are incredibly more valuable than barcodes as they are able to digitally store information and present it on the user's mobile phone. The information can be as varied as a web address, product information or a promotional offer. The actual QR codes themselves can be featured in almost any type of physical media or advertising. Assuming the consumer has a mobile phone equipped with the necessary software and a digital camera, the device can download and decipher the code with just a few simple actions.
Here's a real world example: a student is walking around campus and sees an outdoor billboard for the new Twilight movie. On the ad, underneath the web address promoting the movie is a QR code. Using the QR reader on his/her mobile phone, the student is able to watch the trailer for the flick in seconds. Talk about future implications, this has the potential to be nothing short of colossal. Welcome to the future of outdoor interactive!